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Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Marauders

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The Marauders
Nhân vật
Giới tínhMale
Màu tócVarious
Màu mắtVarious
Gia đìnhVarious
Gắn bóMostly themselves

Tổng quan


The Marauders were four Hogwarts students in the same year, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black, and James Potter. Like Fred and George Weasley, they excelled at getting into trouble and causing mayhem of the less harmful variety.

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This book reveals the group's existence, although two members are already known separately. It was the Marauders who created the Marauder's Map that was given to Harry by Fred and George Weasley. Three members are reunited in the Shrieking Shack when Lupin and Black combine forces to unmask Pettigrew.

Black and Lupin explain the reason behind the group's nicknames. After discovering that Lupin was a werewolf, the remaining three secretly became Animagi to support their friend during his transformations. They adopted the nicknames Moony (Remus Lupin), Wormtail (Peter Pettigrew), Padfoot (Sirius Black), and Prongs (James Potter); the nicknames were derived from their altered shapes: a werewolf, a rat, a black dog, and a stag, respectively.

James Potter, of course, is dead at this point; however, when Harry Potter is called upon to produce a Patronus, it assumes the same shape as James' Animagus form. This prompts Professor Dumbledore to comment, "Make no mistake: Prongs rode again last night."

Although two individual members appear in this book, as a group they do not play any role in this book.

In Snape's Pensieve, Harry sees a Marauders episode, one where his father acts rather cruelly towards Severus Snape. This disturbs Harry, damaging his opinion about his father and causing him to take risky measures to communicate with Sirius and Lupin about it.

Although the two remaining Marauders (Lupin and Pettigrew) appear in this book, they are on opposite sides of the battle lines and do not interact.

Although the two remaining marauders are present in this book, they do not interact. We see Pettigrew in Malfoy Manor twice, the second time resulting in his death; and Lupin appears at The Burrow several times, Grimmauld Place once, and finally falls in the battle at Hogwarts.

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Relationships with Other Characters


The Marauders seem to consider themselves somewhat a group apart. The one time we see them directly, they are largely discussing a test just past between themselves. When they do interact with others outside the group, it is primarily playing pranks on Severus Snape, though they do also speak briefly with Lily Evans on that occasion.

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