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Sơ cứu/Phụ lục F: Số điện thoại khẩn cấp

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Để hỗ trợ sơ cứu viên trong quá trình sơ cứu, hầu hết các nước đã xác định một số điện thoại làm số điện thoại khẩn cấp chung. Khi gọi, số điện thoại này sẽ kết nối với trung tâm y tế gần sơ cứu viên nhất. Với điện thoại di động, tốt nhất nên sử dụng số địa phương.

Châu Phi

Quốc gia Cảnh sát Y tế Cứu hỏa Ghi chú
Chad 17 18
Djibouti 17 18
Ai Cập 122 123 180 Cảnh sát du lịch - 126; Cảnh sát giao thông - 128; Sự cố điện - 121; Sự cố khí ga - 129.
Ghana 191 193 192 999 cho bất kì 3 dịch vụ trên.
Mali 17 15 18
Morocco Nội thành 19
Ngoại ô 177
15 15
Nigeria 199 199 199 199 cho bất kì 3 dịch vụ trên.
Nam Phi 10111 10177 10111 112
Tunisia 197 190 198 Cảnh sát quốc gia - 193.
Rwanda 112
Uganda 999
Sudan 999 999 999 Cảnh sát giao thông 777777
Sierra Leone 019 999
Zambia 999 991 993 112 từ điện thoại di động (see www.zambiatourism.com/travel/listings/emergency.htm).
Zimbabwe 995 994 993 999 cho bất kì 3 dịch vụ trên.

Châu Á

Quốc gia Cảnh sát Y tế Cứu hoả Ghi chú
Bahrain 999
Cộng hòa Nhân dân Trung Hoa Tuần tra: 110

Giao thông: 122

120 119 Tai nạn giao thông - 122.
999 cho bất kì 3 dịch vụ trên ở các thành phố lớn (vd: Bắc Kinh và Thượng Hải, với 120. 999 là sở hữu riêng và 120 là của nhà nước.).
Myanmar 199
Hong Kong 999 992 112
Trung Hoa Dân Quốc (Đài Loan) 110 119
Ấn Độ 100 102,108,104 101 Cảnh sát giao thông - 103.
Indonesia 110 118/119 113 Tìm kiếm và cứu hộ - 115; Thiên tai - 129; Sự cố điện - 123; Di động và vệ tinh khẩn cấp - 112.
Iran 110 115 125 112 từ di dộng với mọi trường hợp khẩn cấp.
Israel 100 101 102 112 từ di dộng với mọi trường hợp khẩn cấp.
Nhật 110 119 Sự cố ở biển - 118.
Đại Hàn Dân Quốc 112 119 Đường dây nóng - 111; Báo cáo gián điệp - 113; Tìm trẻ, người có vấn đề thần kinh, người già lạc - 182 ; 114 kết nối tới phân phối viên.
Kuwait 777
Lebanon 112 140 175
Macau 999


Maldives 102 Civil defence - 118; Police service - 119 can be dialed from mobile phones.
Malaysia 999 Civil defense - 991; Fire - 994; 112 can be dialed from mobile phones.
Mông Cổ 102 103 101 100
Nepal 100/103 101
Oman 9999
Pakistan 15/1122 115 16
Philippines 117 112911 kết nối tới 117. 112 và 911 gọi từ di động. 117 nhắn tin từ di động. 136, 163 bạo hành trẻ em
Qatar 999
Ả Rập Saudi 999 997 998 Cảnh sát giao thông - 993; Cứu hộ khẩn cấp - 911, 112 or 08
Singapore 999 995
Sri Lanka 119 or 118 110 111 Dịch vụ tại nạn, sự cố - 11-2691111.
Thái Lan 191 1669 199 Xe cứu thương Băng Cốc - 1646 (riếng Băng Cốc), Cảnh sát du lịch "1155" (cứu hộ tiếng Anh).
UAE 999 or 112 998 or 999 997
Việt Nam 113 115 114 112 - Số điện thoại khẩn cấp (từ năm 2016)
Bangladesh 999 - -



The most common European emergency number 112 (following - Universal Service Directive) and also standard on GSM mobile phones. 112 is used in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Republic of Macedonia, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine and the United Kingdom in addition to their other emergency numbers.

Country Police Medical Fire Notes
Albania 19 17 18
Austria 112 Alternative numbers: 133 for police, 144 for medical emergencies, 122 for fire, 128 for gas leaks, 140 for alpine emergency, 141 for on-duty medical unit, 142 for crisis-hotline, 147 support for children and teens (crisis-hotline), .
Belarus 102 103 101 Gas leaks - 104; also 112 is being redirected to 101 on velcom GSM-operator mobile phones.
Belgium 101 100 112 for any of the 3 services.
Missing children - 110; Mental problems/suicide - 106.
Bosnia and Herzegovina 122 124 123 From mobile phones, dial the international emergency numbers 112, 911 and 08 for information about the local emergency numbers that are to be dialed (122, 123 and 124).
Bulgaria 166 150 160 112 for any of the 3 services.
Croatia 92 94 or 112 93 or 112 Road help - 987.
Cyprus 112 or 199
Czech Republic 112 Alternative numbers: Police - 158; Ambulance - 155; Fire - 150; Municipal police - 156.
Denmark 112 Alternative numbers: 114 for nearest police station (non-urgent).
Estonia 112 Alternative numbers: 110 for police.
Faroe Islands 112
Finland 112 Alternative numbers: 10022 for police.
France 17 Hospital-based (SAMU) 15
Fire Service-based 18
18 112 for any of the 3 services. 112 calls are answered by 15 or 18 dispatchers, depending on the caller's location. 115 for homeless.
Germany 110 or 112 112 116116 Block Emergency Electronic Authorisation e.g. credit cards
Greece 100 166 199 112 for any of the 3 services.
Forest fire - 191; Coast guard emergency intervention - 108; Counter-narcotics immediate intervention - 109.
Hungary 107 104 105 112 for any of the 3 services.
Iceland 112 Alternative numbers: Police in Reykjavík Capital Area Non-urgent 4441000
Republic of Ireland 112 or 999 The Irish telephone directory says "Dial 999 or 112 and ask for the emergency service you require" but it has been reported that 911 also works on some networks.
Italy 113 Polizia di Stato (State Police)
or 112 (Carabinieri)
118 115 (Firefighters) or
1515 Forest Service)
112 (or even 113) for any emergency.
Guardia di Finanza (Customs/Financial Police) - 117;
Coast guard - 1530
Kazakhstan 102 103 101 112 for any of the 3 services
Gas leaks 104.
Kosovo 911 The previous number used to be 112 like all ex-Yugoslav states, as of 2008 the number was changed to 911 for all emergency services.
Latvia 02 03 01 112 for any of the 3 services.
Gas leaks - 04.
Lithuania 02, 102, 022 03, 103, 033 01, 101, 011 112 for any of the 3 services.
The non-112 numbers are for separate emergency services differ in distinct telecommunications networks, whereas 112 is available on all networks.
Luxembourg 112 or 113 112
Republic of Macedonia 192 194 193 112 for any of the 3 services.
Malta 112
Moldova 902 903 901 112 is being implemented by 2010.
Monaco 17 More severe 15
Less severe 18
18 112 for any of the 3 services. 112 calls are answered by 15 or 18 dispatchers, depending on the caller's location. 115 for homeless.
Montenegro 122 124 123 or 112
Netherlands 112 Formerly 06-11. Police (non-urgent) 0900-8844.
Norway 112 113 110 Police (non-urgent) 02800.
Poland 997 999 998 112 for any of the 3 services.
Municipal wardens - 986; natural gas/LPG emergencies - 992.
Portugal 112 Forest fire 117
Romania 112 Former short numbers 955(Romanian Police), 961 (Ambulance), 981 (Firefighters]]), and 956 Jandarmeria Română (Gendarmerie) redirect to 112. 982 Civil Protection. 983 Family Violence
Russia 02 (until 2010-2012) 03 (until 2010-2012) 01 (until 2010-2012) 112 for any of the 3 services (starting 2008-2009)
Gas leaks -04.
San Marino 113 118 115
Serbia 92 94 93 112 for any of the 3 services.
Slovakia 158 155 150 112 for any of the 3 services.
Slovenia 113 112
Spain National 091
Local 092
061 080,085 112 for any emergency services.
Civil Guard 062; Mossos d'Esquadra (Catalan police) 088.
Sweden 112 Non-urgent police 11414
Switzerland 117 144 118 112 for any of the 3 services.
Poison - 145; Road emergency - 140; Psychological support (free and anonymous) - 143; Psychological support for teens and children (free and anonymous) - 147; Helicopter air-rescue (Rega) - 1414 or by radio on 161.300 MHz; Air rescue (Air Glaciers) (in Valais only) - 1415.(http://www.swisscom.ch/kmu/servicesupport/kontakte/notrufnummern/index.htm?languageId=en Swisscom: Emergency numbers)
Turkey 155 112 110 Gendarmerie: 156; Coast Guard 158
Ukraine 102 103 101 112 for any of the 3 services
Gas leaks 104.
United Kingdom 999 or 112 In 2006 101 was made available in some areas as a non-emergency number for police and local authorities in several areas in England and Wales with complete coverage scheduled for 2008, however funding was pulled by the Home Office in 2007 causing some of the 101 lines to close.[1][2][3] However, some other numbers are sometimes classed as "emergency", particularly 0800 111 999 for gas leaks (0800 being a free call prefix), and 08 45 46 47 for NHS Direct (0845 being a local-rate prefix).

Australia and Oceania

Country Police Medical Fire Notes
Australia Call 000 On a mobile phone, dial 112, 000, remembering to tell the operator your exact location. If you have a textphone/TTY, you can use the National Relay Service on 106. State Emergency Service (SES) units in The Australian Capital Territory, Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia can be contacted on 132 500. In Western Australia, the number is 1300 130 039. In Tasmania and Northern Territory, you will have to call the individual units. The number 131 444 is used for non-emergency police. For reporting crimes, Crime Stoppers can be called on 1800 333 000 from all internal states and territories. Threats to national security can be reported on 1800 1234 00. 911 may also be dialed in emergency situation from mobile phones ONLY however the call will be redirected to 000.
Fiji 911 9170
New Zealand 111 Urgent but not emergency police/traffic number *555 (from mobile phones only). Redirect connects many popular foreign emergency numbers. From mobile phones, the international emergency numbers 112, 911 and 08 also work. The 0800 161616 TTY and 0800 161610 fax numbers are operated by the police for all three services.
Solomon Islands 999 There are also local numbers for each service in each urban centre. These local numbers may be quicker than dialling 999.[4]
Vanuatu 112

North America

Country Police Medical Fire Notes
Canada 911 Non-emergency 311 in certain areas. Some rural areas still lack 911 service. Also 112 is being redirected to 911 on GSM mobile phones.
Greenland Call the local police
Mexico 066, 060, or 080 Some regions redirect 911 calls to the proper number.
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 17 15 18
United States of America 911 Non-emergency 311 in certain areas. A few rural areas still lack 911 service. Also 112 is being redirected to 911 on GSM mobile phones.

Central America and the Caribbean

Country Police Medical Fire Notes
Guatemala 110 120 123 Note: The number 911 exists but this is only for Private Services like Medical Insurance.
El Salvador 911
Costa Rica 911
Panama 911
Barbados 211[5] 511[6] 311[7]
Cayman Islands 911
Dominican Republic 911
Jamaica 119 110
Trinidad and Tobago 999 990
Nicaragua 118
Honduras 199

South America

Country Police Medical Fire Notes
Argentina 101 107 100 Emergency dispatcher for Buenos Aires (city), Santa Fe (city), Rosario (city), Salta and Buenos Aires (provinces) 911.
Bolivia 110 118
Brazil 190 192 193 Federal highway police 191; federal police 194; civil police 197; state highway police 198; civil defense 199; human rights 100; emergency number for Mercosul area 128; 112 will be redirected to 190 when dialed from mobile phones and 911 will also be redirected to the police number (190)
Chile 133 131 132
Colombia 112 or 123 (landlines and mobile phones) Traffic accidents 127, GAULA (anti-kidnapping) 165. More specialized three-digit numbers are available; check the local Yellow Pages for more information.
156 132 119
Guyana 911 913 912
Paraguay 911
Peru 105 116
Suriname 115
Uruguay 911
Venezuela 171


  1. "Crime line to take its last call". 2007-12-07. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/leicestershire/7132166.stm. Retrieved 2008-01-12. 
  2. BBC News Online (2007-11-19). "Bid begins to save 101 crime line". http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/south_east/7101509.stm. Retrieved 2008-01-12. 
  3. BBC News Online (2007-11-15). "Crime hotline loses funding". http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/south_yorkshire/7097188.stm. Retrieved 2008-01-12. 
  4. White Pages 2008, Solomon Islands Telephone Directory, p1
  5. http://www.barbadospolice.gov.bb/
  6. http://qeh.gov.bb/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=13&Itemid=18 Ambulance
  7. http://www.fireservice.gov.bb/contact/directory.php