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Bản mẫu:Test

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class Atom
  constructor (atomic)
    this.atomic = atomic
  // Creates a non-linear 2D array as the Aufbau principle
  // to later distribute the values over the structure.
  // This generates an array with the following aspect:
  //          S  P  D  F
  //  1(K) - [0] :  :  :
  //  2(L) - [0, 0] :  :
  //  3(M) - [0, 0, 0] :
  //  4(N) - [0, 0, 0, 0]
  //  5(O) - [0, 0, 0, 0]
  //  6(P) - [0, 0, 0] :
  //  7(Q) - [0, 0] :  :
  buildElectronicDiagram ()
    // Definition of the matrix with 7 lines,
    // followed by an compreension loop that will
    // define the number of columns of each line.
    this.electronicDiagram = new Array(7)
      .map((_, x) =>
        // Variable that determines the number of columns of each row.
        // f(x) = 4.5 -|x - 3.5|
        // (0 <= x <= 6) {1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2}
        const length = 4.5 - Math.abs(x - 3.5)
        return new Array(length).fill(0)
  distributeElectrons ()
    // Variable that records the count of electrons.
    let electrons = this.atomic
    // Variables that selects the row(layer) and column(sublevel)
    // from the starting point of each step.
    let layer = 0
    let sublevel = 0
    // Loop that performs the distribution process
    // until all electrons have been distributed.
    while(electrons > 0)
      // Variables that select the row(x) and column(y) of the array.
      let x = layer
      let y = sublevel
      // Loop that shifts the iteration pointer from the array,
      // from the starting point and moving to the previous column
      // of the next line, as a diagonal move, until you reach column 0 or line 6.
      for(; y >= 0 && x <= 6; x++, y--)
        // Variable that defines a limit of electrons
        // that can be iterated in certain point of the matrix,
        // influenced by the pointed column(y)...
        // f(x) = 4x + 2
        // (0 <= x <= 3) {2, 6, 10, 14}
        const maxDecay = 2 + 4 * y
        // If the number of electrons is lower than the column boundary,
        // the decay will be the total number of electrons.
        const decay = Math.min(electrons, maxDecay)
        this.electronicDiagram[x][y] = decay
        electrons -= decay
      // It makes the offset of the starting point alternating in each step
      // between moving to the next line and moving to the next column.
      if(layer === sublevel) layer++
      else sublevel++
  // Returns the total number of electrons disposed in each layer.
  get shells ()
    const result = []
    this.electronicDiagram.forEach((layer) =>
      const total = layer.reduce((a, b) => a + b)
    return result