Trợ giúp về API MediaWiki

This is an auto-generated MediaWiki API documentation page.

Documentation and examples:

prop=pageprops (pp)

(main | query | pageprops)

Get various page properties defined in the page content.

Các tham số:
Other general parameters are available.

When more results are available, use this to continue. More detailed information on how to continue queries can be found on


Only list these page properties (action=query&list=pagepropnames returns page property names in use). Useful for checking whether pages use a certain page property.

Phân tách các giá trị bằng |.
Maximum number of values is 50 (500 for clients that are allowed higher limits).
Ví dụ:
Get properties for the pages Trang Chính and MediaWiki.
api.php?action=query&prop=pageprops&titles=Trang%20Ch%C3%ADnh|MediaWiki [open in sandbox]