Page review statistics

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Wikibooks currently has 978 users with reviewer rights.

Reviewers are established users that can spot-check revisions to pages.

The following data was last updated on 23 April 2024 at 00:12.

Edits that have been checked by established users are considered Reviewed.

The average review delay for pages with edits currently pending review is 234 d 5 h; the delay measures how long the oldest pending edit has gone unreviewed.

The average wait for edits by users that have not logged in to be reviewed is 25 d 9 h; the median is 13 d 23 h.

7 h 42 min10 d 9 h21 d 3 h45 d 12 h57 d 13 h58 d 19 h58 d 19 h59 d 19 h

Page review statistics for each namespace are shown below, excluding redirect pages. Pages are treated as Outdated if they have edits pending review; pages are considered Synced if there are no edits pending review.

(Main) 90,106 76,619‎ (85.03%) 74,905‎ (83.13%) 97.76% 1,714 13,487
File 2,721 1,813‎ (66.63%) 1,813‎ (66.63%) 100.00% 0 908
Template 9,829 9,513‎ (96.79%) 9,500‎ (96.65%) 99.86% 13 316
Module 314 158‎ (50.32%) 158‎ (50.32%) 100.00% 0 156
Cookbook 5,311 5,309‎ (99.96%) 5,298‎ (99.76%) 99.79% 11 2
Wikijunior 2,707 2,700‎ (99.74%) 2,677‎ (98.89%) 99.15% 23 7

Below is a list of the 5 most active reviewers in the last hour.

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